Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Life Cycle of a Tree

Plants grow from seeds. In a seed a baby plant is sleeping. When it gets water, sunlight, air (Oxygen) and soil it starts to grow in a root. When roots grow longer and thinner the shoot spouts out from the soil. After that the shoot grows and a branch comes out on the branch a leave comes out after a while. When plant is properly grown, buds and flowers start to grow. When Spring comes, birds and insects come on the plant and start to sing and chirp. Frogs come and eat the insects. When the plant is about 10 meters, the plant is not a plant it is growing into a tree. When the tree gets older, squirrels come and take nuts from the field and then hide in their nests. Squirrels throw the nuts in the garden and make a mess. When the plant is in the age of his death, his roots come out from 1 centimeter ahead and the tree has so much shade that when we sit under it it looks like the fans and the air conditioners are on.

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